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Le Theatre de l'Alchimiste

How do you want the next "chapter" of your life to be like?

Want to dare a new role to play the next "chapter", as well as the next day of your life?


Join LIVE or ONLINE, together we will create alchemical circumstances to get in touch with deep energies such as our roots, submerged roots from which to separate and roots to which to give a space to grow and expand. By coming into contact with other roots we will produce new fruits and new life performances together!

Le Theatre de l'Alchimiste is an unconventional theater

aimed at facing change and supporting the transformation of oneself.

Le Theatre de l'Alchimiste provide "tools and results" practices to crumble fears and old reference models, have fun and unleash a liberating and transforming energy that will surprise you



Routes that bring together Online participants on Zoom

Keywords: emotional intelligence, collective knowledge, creativity, play, awareness, synchronicity



Individual path of

tutoring and life coaching.

Keywords: eros, intuition, creativity, growth, transformation, resources, talent, flow, originality, resourcefulness, essence,



Group and individual workshops and live sessions.

Keywords: Discovery, Catharsis, Allies, Change, Field, Ancestors, Originality, Present, Relationship, Challenge, Enthusiasm,


Humans were born improvisers. We did not arrive on earth with a script to read and yet we improvise as friends, as parents, in our daily conversations and interactions. You are already improvising, learn some actor's tricks… The results will surprise you!



"When you put yourself into play in a theatrical improvisation, you avoid going into the depths and the old acquired models. The character you put on stage, in a protected environment, gives you the opportunity to" convey "who you are becoming. Develop the protagonist and then you become the protagonist.

"Fred Newman"


"The world is a stage ..." says Shakespeare. Our performances - the way we act, dress and speak - change according to our goals. The performances we offer at work are different from those we offer to friends, our partners and our children.


Theater is a language made up of symbolic contents, characters and rhythms; it is an emotional and exciting training where action and play are privileged, spontaneity and harmony in which you are at the same time yourself and someone else favoring the playful transformation of body and mind in relationship with each other.

Are your performances helping you to "write the book of your life so that" the story "develops as you wish? Is there a specific area in which you want to activate a different energy and transform your results?

Let's create togheter a programme  on measure!


We have the natural ability to learn and acquire new skills. Modern society educates us to a rational approach = to study and to understand how to do.

The 4 phases of alchemy took their name from the four basic colors of Greek painting: black, white, yellow and red. They are placed in parallel with the 4 elements and the 4 seasons and each alchemical phase symbolizes a stage of transformation;

Alchemy, at Le Theater de l'Alchimiste, means becoming what we are not yet and doing what we don't yet know how to do and learn to do it using an irrational and creative path;


Are you continuously striving to improve and feel stagnant?

The Alchemical Theater allows you to make a "click", which you probably won't be able to explain rationally!

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